The Rescue Mission

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
The Rescue Mission
Eamon adventure #81
Author Donald Brown
Created c. 1980
Released January 1985
Revised 25 July 1989
EAG number 81
EDX number 02-09
EDX set The Donald Brown Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 81 - The Rescue Mission.dsk

The Rescue Mission is an Eamon adventure written by Donald Brown that concludes the story started in the previous adventure, The Search for the Key. Originally a tournament disk, it was converted to a standard adventure by John Nelson in 1984.


Having obtained the Key of Molinar in the previous story, the adventurer embarks on the second phase of the mission:

You are now ready to rescue the kidnapped officials. Again, the warlock does not know where they are, but he can and will teleport you there. You will be carrying a lantern and the Key of Molinar, in addition to your weapons. You can teleport yourself or a friendly person home by saying their name.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links