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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Eamon adventure #267
Author Wade Clarke
Released 2010
Revised February 2011
EAG number WC1
EDX number 23-09
EDX set The Lost Treasures of Eamon
Native format Apple ProDOS
File Eamon 267 - Leadlight 1.5.zip

Leadlight is an Eamon adventure written by Wade Clarke.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
⚠️ A map is needed for this adventure.

Leadlight Gamma

Though Clarke initially built Leadlight using the Eamon framework, he announced in 2012 his intention to convert it to Inform, a cross-platform interactive fiction design system. On 9 April 2015 Clarke released the new version which he titled Leadlight Gamma. The game is available for purchase through itch.io.

External links