Temple of the Guild

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
This article is about the adventure. For the structure, see Temple of the Guild of Free Adventurers.
Temple of the Guild
Eamon adventure #75
Author Don Doumakes
Released August 1984
Revised 22 January 1993 (ProDOS)
EAG number 75
EDX number 12-07
EDX set Best of the Classic Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
Files Eamon 75 - Temple of the Guild.dsk
Eamon 75 - Temple of the Guild (ProDOS).dsk

Temple of the Guild is an Eamon adventure written by Don Doumakes.


From the introduction:

The journey to the Temple of the Guild is long and boring. The location was deliberately chosen for its remoteness, to discourage young inexperienced adventurers who are too big for their britches.

At the temple, you can get as involved or as uninvolved as you please in a variety of attractions. You may leave the temple with permanently elevated hardiness, agility, or charisma, for example. Perhaps you will choose a new name. There are opportunities to win gold, and several ways to spend or lose it. There are also a few ways to get killed.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links