Priests of Xim!

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Priests of Xim!
Eamon adventure #43
Authors Ed Bauman
Marty Bauman
Released March 1984
Revised 30 January 1994
EAG number 43
EDX number 13-14
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 1
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 43 - Priests of Xim!.dsk

Priests of Xim! is an Eamon adventure written by Ed Bauman and Marty Bauman.


From the introduction:

As you travel through the tomb, you will encounter many powerful enemies. However, the rewards will far outweigh the costs. Because of the large amount of time required to complete the full adventure, it is possible to leave, if you decide you can not go any father. However, if you wish to enter the tomb again, you will have to pay homage again, and start over. Please wait 1 minute.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links