
Eamon is a community-driven game, one that throughout its history has depended on creators sharing their work to grow, and on players sharing with friends to spread; it thrives on interaction. While the community is smaller than in years past, it still has active and committed adherents who keep the torches burning in the Main Hall.
This page links useful online resources both in the Eamon community and in the broader worlds of Apple II computing, computer-based text adventures, and interactive fiction.
Eamon resources
Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online
EAG Online has for many years been the Internet's principal center of Eamon community activity. The website, managed by Matthew Clark, offers an extensive library of disk images, newsletters, maps, links, and other resources, as well as a EAG Online Blog and a Facebook page.
Eamon Remastered
This web-based version of Eamon by Keith Dechant features 42 adventures including two original ones written for Eamon Remastered.
Eamon CS
Michael Penner's C#-based version of the game includes 20 adventures (both classic and original) with more planned.
The Unofficial Home Page of Eamon Games
The original Eamon fan website. Despite not having been updated since 1999 is still has useful content and is worth a visit.
Other resources
- A.P.P.L.E. (callapple.org), an all-volunteer user group dedicated to Apple / Macintosh computers.
- The CRPG Addict (crpgaddict.blogspot.com), a blog about computer role-playing games.
- The Digital Antiquarian (filfre.net), a blog dedicated to the history of computer entertainment.
- IFWiki (ifwiki.org), a collaborative online encyclopedia of interactive fiction.
- The Interactive Fiction Archive (ifarchive.org), dedicated to preserving and sharing information about interactive fiction.
- The Interactive Fiction Community Forum (intfiction.org), a set of message boards for members of the IF community.
- The Interactive Fiction Database (ifdb.tads.org), a directory of IF works with reviews and other helpful resources.
- Interactive Fiction Reviews (ifreviews.org)
- Juiced.GS (juiced.gs), a quarterly magazine for Apple II users.
- KansasFest (kansasfest.org), the world's only annual convention dedicated to the Apple II computer.
- Mac GUI Vault (macgui.com/vault), a great source of vintage Apple II and Mac games, downloads, manuals, and other resources.
- Renga in Blue (bluerenga.blog), a blog by interactive fiction enthusiast Jason Dyer about his experiences playing adventure games, including Eamon
- Tolkien Gateway (tolkiengateway.net), a wiki featuring articles on all Tolkien-themed Eamon adventures and their authors