Modern Problems

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Modern Problems
Eamon adventure #64
Authors Bonnie Anderson
Tony Barban
Jay Thompson
Released May 1984
Revised 22 July 1985
EAG number 64
EDX number 14-10
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 2
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 64 - Modern Problems.dsk

Modern Problems is an Eamon adventure written by Bonnie Anderson, Tony Barban, and Jay Thompson.


From the introduction:

You have been transported to Seattle, circa 1983. There are only two ways to leave Modern Problems. The first is to return to the bus depot and buy your ticket back to the Main Hall. The second is to win the game, of course. Even though the bus ticket may be costly, money-wise, trying to win the game may be even more costly, life-wise.

To win this game will require all of your imagination and previous experience. You need to collect the following articles — 1) an apartment, 2) a job, & 3) a car.

The only weapon you will start this adventure with is a .357 Magnum. If you had any armor before, you will now have a bulletproof vest.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links