The Doomsday Clock

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The Doomsday Clock
Eamon adventure #90
Author Jim Tankard
Released January 1985
Revised 1 April 1991
EAG number 90
EDX number 14-21
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 2
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 90 - The Doomsday Clock.dsk

The Doomsday Clock is an Eamon adventure written by Jim Tankard.


From the introduction:

You have been assigned to the US embassy in Moscow, officially as an Air Force attache. Actually, however, you are a highly-trained member of a covert branch of the CIA known as SOG, or Special Operations Group. SOG was famous during the Vietnam War for its covert operations behind the lines in North Vietnam, including assassinations.

One night you are called to duty by your section chief, who looks like he is about to have apoplexy. He informs you that our agents have discovered an unbelievable but terrible plot — the Libyans have succeeded in putting an atomic bomb somewhere in the Kremlin and the thing is set to go off in a few hours! If the bomb explodes, the Soviets will think the Americans did it and launch their missiles, starting World War III!

It is your task to go into the Kremlin and find the bomb and dismantle it. Your adrenalin starts pumping! This is the one you have been waiting for — the assignment that will let you use all your training and skill, and save the world besides!

Before you go, you stop off at the SOG supply room to get some appropriate equipment.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links