A Vacation in Europe

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This is a Class B (silver star) article.
A Vacation in Europe
Eamon adventure #111
Author David Smith
Released October 1985
Revised 16 June 1988
EAG number 111
EDX number 15-08
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 3
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 111 - A Vacation in Europe.dsk

A Vacation in Europe is one of two Eamon adventure written by David Smith, both released in October 1985.


From the introduction:

One day while you are hanging around the Main Hall you receive a letter. It says that Heinrich, an acquaintance of yours from an earlier adventure, has died, and left you an inheritance. What to do? Heinrich had always talked about going back to Europe, and you think that this would be the way he'd like it used.

When all the legalities are cleared up and the money is in the bank, you think about how to best use your windfall. You hope that you will find wealth, romance, and adventure so you take along your weapons. Go, find what treasures you can, and seek a way back home.


Adventure map by Huw Williams
⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.


External links