The Shopping Mall

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The Shopping Mall
Eamon adventure #88
Author Allan Porter
Released January 1985
Revised 12 October 1988
EAG number 88
EDX number 19-07
EDX set Worst of the Classic Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 88 - The Shopping Mall.dsk

The Shopping Mall is an Eamon adventure written by Allan Porter.


The adventure's complete introduction is very brief: "By the whim of whatever gods or spirits control your destiny, you have been chosen to enter... the Shopping Mall." The goal is simply to explore the mall and then return to the Main Hall.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black


In reviewing the adventure in the Eamon Adventurer's Guild Newsletter, Tom Zuchowski speculated that the adventure "reflects a real mall somewhere, and that the store clerks are real people," but whether this is so (and if so, where the real mall is located) is uncertain.

External links