Feast of Carroll

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Feast of Carroll
Eamon adventure #53
Authors Dan Lilienkamp
Jon Lilienkamp
Released May 1984
Revised 14 December 1985
EAG number 53
EDX number 14-02
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 2
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 53 - Feast of Carroll.dsk

Feast of Carroll is an Eamon adventure written by brothers Dan Lilienkamp and Jon Lilienkamp.


From the introduction:

You and your friends, Otho the Dragon Slayer and Morlok the Wizard, spent last night together in the Main Hall celebrating the Feast of Carroll, the one day each year when all three of Eamon's moons are full.

You must have enjoyed yourself a little more than you intended, because now you don't know where you are, and you can't remember how you got here. All that you know, for sure, is that you are in a very mysterious place.

The adventurer must investigate a fanciful world inspired by fairy tales and the works of Lewis Carroll, notably his 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links