Deathstalker's Castle

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Deathstalker's Castle
Eamon adventure #214
Author Phil Schulz
Released March 1992
Revised 2 February 1992
EAG number 214
EDX number 17-08
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 5
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 214 - Deathstalker's Castle.dsk

Deathstalker's Castle is an Eamon adventure written by Phil Schulz.


While watching football on the TV in the Main Hall, you're interrupted by two Irishmen who approach you with an important mission: to kill the villain known as Deathstalker, a powerful and evil being who in recent months has been terrorizing Eamon's northern territories, and recover the magical sword he's purported to possess. Though initially hesitant, you decide to accept the mission and are teleported to the vicinity of Deathstalker's castle.

When you arrive, Deathstalker's voice taunts you, telling you he's immortal and invincible.

Full introduction

One day, while you were sitting in the Main Hall enjoying a tankard of ale and watching the Giants game on the 50-inch TV bought for the hall by the EAG, you are approached by two Irishmen who look to be on a serious mission. They speak briefly to a few others in the hall, then they walk up to your easy chair.

"Yes, this one's perfect," the apparent leader says, obviously referring to you.

"I agree, sir," the other says. "This one could do the job the best."

You cautiously look up from the TV, where the Giants had just scored a touchdown, making the score Giants-21 Bears-3. "What's going on?" you ask, hoping this won't be another close call with death, like that adventure you'd returned from a few days ago.

The leader explained. "You've heard of the Deathstalker? Good. He's been becoming more powerful in the last six months. Northern Eamon has been terrorized and the natives are scared. We need somebody brave and strong enough to go into Deathstalker's Castle and kill him so the terror will stop."

"No. Not me. Not now." You try to tell them that you've just returned from an adventure and would like to rest for a while before going out again.

The leader is stubborn. "But everybody here says that you're the best. And the best will be the only one with a chance against the Deathstalker. Please. We beg you. Eamon begs you."

You argue with the men for a while, then other adventurers in the hall tell you the same thing. When the Irishman came out from behind the desk to talk to you, you realized how serious the situation was. So you agreed to do it.


You finish your ale, then get up and prepare yourself for the adventure.

Before you leave, the Irishmen tell you a few more things about your mission: you learn that an ancient sword, called by humans "The Sword of the Gods", has been rumored to be in possession of the Deathstalker. If he begins to use it, the universe itself may begin to fall apart. Yes, the sword is that powerful. You are told that if Deathstalker is killed, somebody else will be able to take over his possession by using the Sword of the Gods to kill millions with every swing. So getting the sword back would be very nice, and just may keep adventurers-for-hire like yourself in safety for a little longer between your missions.

You are transported to Deathstalker's Castle.

Okay, you're in my territory now. Don't assume anything. Whatever I want goes around here. I imagine you'll see me as an evil man, and that damn bartender has probably already sent you out here to destroy me. So I guess I'll have to play along with him. You'll be put some where outside my castle. You'll need to find your way inside, then find your way to me. Then you'll need to kill me. (Good luck on that one. Hehehe.)

I have created my own laws of physics. I can even break them if I want to. All logic goes out the window around here. But don't worry much, I know you'll get used to it after awhile. You're not the first one to try to defeat me. And you won't be the one to actually do it — I can assure you of that. Since some of you don't seem to believe me, I have started to leave the remains of those who didn't succeed just to prove my point — nobody ever defeats me — the Deathstalker is immortal. But all you stubborn Eamonauts keep on trying.

I'm ready. Are you????


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
⚠️ A map is needed for this adventure.


Schulz notes that Deathstalker's Castle "is situated on top of a large plateau about 50 miles south of the Main Hall."


  • Notes added to the introduction describe an unusual feature in Deathstalker's Castle: the possibility for armor to break: "When you are attacked and the enemy's blow glances off your armor (hits you but doesn't hurt you) your armor gets weaker. The amount that your armor can take depends on your armor expertise."
  • The teams playing football in the introduction are the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears, with the Giants in a wide 21-to-3 lead. The Giants beat the Bears by a similarly large margin (31–3) in a January 1991 game at Giants Stadium.

External links