The Underground City

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
The Underground City
Eamon adventure #30
Author Steve Adelson
Released c. 1982
Revised 5 April 1989
EAG number 30
EDX number 19-01
EDX set Worst of the Classic Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 30 - The Underground City.dsk

The Underground City is an Eamon adventure written by Steve Adelson.


From the introduction:

As you are walking out of the Main Hall to find adventure, a short, chubby man approaches you.

In a heavy French accent, he says, "I hear zat you are louking for ze adventure. I have juz ze zing for you. Zer ez a crack in ze earth many miles from here. Zer ez zed to be much treasure zer, but alzo much danger.

"You must hurry! Ze crack clozes at midnight forever. Now I must go."

"But where is this crack?" you yell after the little man.

"In ze plains! Ze plains!" he yells back.

You search for hours. Finally, very near midnight, you find the crack.

You look around for a while, but find nothing strange. You begin to think the little man was lying.

Then at midnight, there is a great rumbling. You look above you to see the crack closing in on you! You try to get out, but in vain. You hit the ground and fall unconscious.

When you awaken, you are in a different world...


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black


The underground city, identified on a sign as "Opeton City", occupies a vast chamber located far below the plains in the vicinity of Evenhold.


  • The short man with the French accent in the introduction is a reference to the diminutive Tattoo from the TV series Fantasy Island, a character played by actor Hervé Villechaize. At the beginning of each episode, Tattoo would spot an aircraft approaching the island, ring a bell, and yell, "The plane! The plane!"

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