Count Dracula's Castle

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Not to be confused with Dracula's Chateau.
Count Dracula's Castle
Eamon adventure #221
Author Robert Parker
Released March 1993
Revised 4 January 1993
EAG number 221
EDX number 11-17
EDX set The Robert Parker Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 221 - Count Dracula's Castle.dsk

Count Dracula's Castle is an Eamon adventure written by Robert Parker.


The adventure's full introduction:

One fine day, after having one too many root beer floats, you laid down to take a nap. It was an awful nap, as you had a bad dream. You dreamt of vampires! But the really scary part was when you dreamt that you woke up, and you were there...

Play begins on a path north of Dracula's castle.


Adventure map by Frank Black
⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.


Parker describes the adventure as beginning on "a long path that winds across the Wallachian Plain", with Dracula's castle to the south and the Borgo Pass to the north. The Wallachian Plain stretches across southern Romania just south of Transylvania, while the Borgo Pass (also called the Tihuța Pass) lies far north in the Carpathian Mountains.


External links