The City of Sorcerers

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This is a Class B (silver star) article.
The City of Sorcerers
Eamon adventure #219
Author Rodger Osgood
Released September 1992
Revised 16 August 1992
EAG number 219
EDX number 17-11
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 5
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 219 - The City of Sorcerers.dsk

The City of Sorcerers is an Eamon adventure written by Rodger Osgood.


Though an early Eamon, written in version 4, The City of Sorcerers was included in the Eamon Adventurer's Guild library relatively late. As related in Hard Core Computist issue 89, Jeff Hurlburt (developer of the "Main Hall JH" and "Eamon NUEdit" disks) came across The City of Sorcerers in the archives of the HAAUG (Houston Area Apple Users Group) around 1990. Hurlburt debugged the adventure (the article is ambiguous as to whether he added enough to be considered a coauthor) and sent it to Tom Zuchowski. In his review, Zuchowski suggests that nothing was known of Rodger Osgood.


The adventure's full introduction:

In the Main Hall you meet a strange pair of adventurers, a dwarf named Dworkin and Lightfoot, an elf. They tell you of a quest that they are about to start on in the city of Griswald. The jewel that serves as the eye of the statue of the god Barantu has been stolen and without its magic protection the ancient city will soon fall under the control of the evil magician Arach. Your friends plan to find the gem and to try to obtain the release of Griswald from his grasp. They ask you to help them in thier quest. Realizing that there is probably gold to be had in this venture, you accept their invitation.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
⚠️ A map is needed for this adventure.


The adventure is set in the ancient and deteriorating city of Griswald, described as lying east of the Main Hall.

Eamon Pantheon

The patron deity of the city Griswald is called Baranthu, described as a "very large man-like being" with flashing eyes. Successful completion of the adventure sees Baranthu appearing and granting the player the ability to "enchant" one of his or her weapons.

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