The Ruins of Belfast

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
The Ruins of Belfast
Eamon adventure #189
Author David Sparks
Released March 1990
Revised 13 January 1990
EAG number 189
EDX number 19-18
EDX set Worst of the Classic Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 189 - The Ruins of Belfast.dsk

The Ruins of Belfast is an Eamon adventure written by David Sparks.


The adventure doesn't have a stated mission or quest and, other than the title, says nothing about where the adventure actually takes place:

You teleport into the near future, surrounded by the gathering clouds of war. When you regain your feet, it takes a few minutes for the smoke to clear. Get ready...

The goal seems to be just to explore the 19 rooms and return to the Main Hall.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black


  • One of the monsters in the adventure is described as "a burly Irishman", but the author doesn't state that this is the same character as the Burly Irishman.

External links