Gamma 1

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Gamma 1
Eamon adventure #180
Author Robert Parker
Released September 1989
Revised 14 January 1994
EAG number 180
EDX number 11-09
EDX set The Robert Parker Adventures
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 180 - Gamma 1.dsk

Gamma 1 is an Eamon adventure written by Robert Parker and released in September 1989.


Parker notes in his acknowledgements that the adventure is an adaptation of a 1981 Gamma World module by TSR entitled Legion of Gold, written by Gary Gygax, Luke Gygax, and Paul Reiche III.


Following a sign advertising for a brave adventurer to test a time machine, you visit the eccentric Dr. Hoosenfire who says his device will send you to a distant, devastated planet called Earth. If you return, he'll pay you 1000 gold pieces. (If not, he'll pay your mother.)

Full introduction

You are wandering around the Main Hall one day when you come across an unusual sign.

=                        =
=         Wanted         =
=                        =
=  Brave adventurer to   =
=                        =
=   Test time machine    =
=                        =
=                        =
=       Dr. Hoosenfire   =
=                        =

You decide to pay the good doctor a call.

"Hoo, yes. Et is verry simple. I plan to send you into a parrarrallell univerze verry much like mine own. I do not know what you will find der, but it should be verry interesting!"

(It would be more interesting, you thought, if the doctor would remove the Nazi outfit and lost the ridiculous accent.)

"I will pay you 1000 gp when you git back, and if you don't, 200 to your mother. I will send you to a planet call Dirt, or Earth. The time is early 21st century. Not much is known about this planet, as it was destroyed long ago in a galaxy far, far away*."
*(Couldn't resist it. R.P.)


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black


External links