The Master's Dungeon

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
The Master's Dungeon
Eamon adventure #55
Author Jeff Allen
Released May 1984
Revised 14 July 1984
EAG number 55
EDX number 14-04
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 2
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 55 - The Master's Dungeon.dsk

The Master's Dungeon is an Eamon adventure written by Jeff Allen.


From the introduction:

Once upon a time on a warm sunny day, a tired but satisfied adventurer was taking a restful sojourn in the Spartu Mountains. It was once a wild and wooly land, but since the rise of the empire the ancient tribes and cults vanished along with their warlike manner. You are that tired adventurer taking a breather from your mercenary service to the empire. You are amazed and astounded at the peaceful scenery because of the savage desperation you faced in your last adventure.

To your left you see a rather steep but rugged-enough-to-climb slope. In a burst of youthful energy, you scramble up the 200-foot slope quickly.

You are now standing at the top of the slope. You are standing in knee-high prairie grass. Looking down, you realize that you had been hiking in the bed of a deep canyon. All around you see mountains larger than you have ever seen before. You feel totally cut off from the world you once knew. It is great to feel that for once, no one can see you and you can't see anyone.

You now have finally caught your breath enough to walk. You still feel a little dizzy from exertion at a high altitude, but it is tolerable. After walking approximately thirty yards from the edge of the cliff, the grass gives way to hard, rocky ground that begins the slope of an unusually massive mountain. You also notice a dark hole in front of your that leads straight down into nothingness.

You notice that the source of this hole must have been a cave-in or some giant underground cavern. As you move toward the edge of the hole for a closer look inside, the ground under your feet suddenly gives way and you fall into the cavern along with a giant landslide of rocks and hard clay. You make a feeble attempt to scramble but it is to no avail. You feel yourself in an endless and timeless fall. You start to feel yourself floating through the air even though you are accelerating to a faster and faster speed. You see your entire life relived in front of your eyes at the same speed it occurred. You know you will be killed from the impact when you finally hit the bottom of this bottomless pit. Please wait for impact...


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links