Haunted Keep

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Haunted Keep
Eamon adventure #212
Author Hoyle Purvis
Released December 1991
Revised 17 November 1991
EAG number 212
EDX number 17-06
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 5
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 212 - Haunted Keep.dsk

Haunted Keep is an Eamon adventure written by Hoyle Purvis.


From the adventure's introduction:

A messenger has come to see you about a concern for some mutual friends. In years past, the Haunted Keep belonged to the Ratus family. It has been abandoned for many years. As the legend goes, the Ratus family mysteriously disappeared. The keep is now rumored to be haunted. Passing townspeople often hear sounds and see strange lights coming from the keep.

Most of the keep is in ruins. Only two towers remain. They are connected by a falling gatehouse. The upper levels of even these towers are in decay.

Recently a tribe of goblins, which live in the ruins of Haunted Keep, have been raiding the countryside. One of their last raids was on an elfin village and eight prisoners were taken. (Some were friends of yours.) Your help is needed to help rescue them. Unwilling to let your friends down you pick up your weapons and depart for the keep.

Gabor and Elva will meet you there.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
⚠️ A map is needed for this adventure.

External links