House on Eamon Ridge

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
House on Eamon Ridge
Eamon adventure #72
Author Tim Berge
Released August 1984
Revised 22 July 1989
EAG number 72
EDX number 13-19
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 1
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 72 - House on Eamon Ridge.dsk

House on Eamon Ridge is an Eamon adventure written by Tim Berge.


From the introduction:

Hearing tales of great adventure in place called Eamon Bluff you, set off to find this ancient place. For two days you travel, then as you are about to arrive, you encounter a fog bank in the place where you think Eamon Bluff is. You come upon two paths thick in fog. One leads through a old cemetery and past a well, with the sound of distant waves crashing on a shore nearby. The other path goes deeper into the fog and a deathly silence overtakes you some distance from the fork before you go back (as you had done on the other path.)

You head into the fog and feel the grip of strong magic. There is a hideous laugh and then you open your eyes, as if you had been sleeping, and you are back at the Main Hall.

Do you go B)ack the way you came, T)hrough the cemetery or I)nto the fog ?

B) As you turn to leave you hear someone say, "Aye, matey, and here be another one," and someone hits you from behind. You wake up in a cell, stripped of everything you were carrying. From the way the bed rocks, you must be in some type of ship. You can see your jailer, however the door is... open... and he looks asleep.

T) You enter the fog and find a huge looming structure in front of you. Then someone pushes you from behind.

I) You go into the fog and feel the grip of arcane evil magic. It touches you for an instant and then...


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
Adventure map by Frank Black

External links