Utterly Outrageous

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This is a Class C (bronze star) article.
Utterly Outrageous
Eamon adventure #205
Author Pat Gise
Released March 1991
Revised 26 January 1991
EAG number 205
EDX number 16-19
EDX set Classic Eamon Adventures, Vol. 4
Native format Apple DOS 3.3
File Eamon 205 - Utterly Outrageous.dsk

Utterly Outrageous is an Eamon adventure written by Pat Gise.


From the introduction:

You sit back with an ale in your hand, excitement in your heart, and charts on the bar room table.

You have been on numerous adventures; slaying dragons, trolls, orcs, and other strange creatures. You have found and freed old friends from terrible fates and even done a few things of which you are almost ashamed.

Be that as it may; you are now lost in thoughts of your immediate future and pleasure. You have finally earned a vacation! You are anxious to get away before someone asks you to do battle again.

You have been daydreaming of a very obscure, tranquil, and charming planet. Your head reels, intoxicated with your private thoughts of solitude.

You feel disorganized. Things are not as clear as they should be.

As you reach for your ale the tankard shrinks from your grasp. That is the last conscious thing you remember....

Your mind is foggy with confusion as you find yourself being transported to an area steeped in shadowy legend. Your survival depends on your wits and recognizing certain magical practices older than eamon itself. Your mission lies in the legends of:

* Sinope * Wroteus
* Adrastea * Oberon
* Veda * Rosalines
* Elara * Larissa
* Dione

Study these words well for the ultimate answer lies within. Your muddled mind does not recall this as being part of your carefree vacation plans. You can feel your heart in the pit of your stomach. A vile taste is spurting to your throat.


⚠️ A walkthrough is needed for this adventure.
⚠️ A map is needed for this adventure.

External links