Source:Eamon Adventurer's Guild Newsletter, February 2003

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The Eamon Adventurer's Guild Newsletter, February 2003 issue.


EAG Online: Newsletters


February 2003


Eamon Adventurer's Guild; Tom Zuchowski (editor)


Permission has kindly been granted by the copyright holder for this copyrighted item to appear in the not-for-profit Eamon Wiki website. Permission granted by Matthew Clark in email with Huw Williams on 22 November 2012.

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Source:Eamon Adventurer's Guild Newsletter, October 2001

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Source:Eamon Adventurer's Guild Newsletter, January 2004

The Eamon Adventurer's Guild
February 2003

This is the second "online" issue of the EAG newsletter. It is the result of the arrival of a new Eamon from Matthew Clark, a new author.

Eamon Adventurer's Guild


This document is released to the Public Domain. Any part of this newsletter may be reproduced without permission. Please honor the privacy of the members listed herein, and ask their permission before distributing their names or addresses.

If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it on a disk to the above address. It will be assigned an adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems. An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned for your final comment, action and approval before release.

Our mail-order Eamon vendor:

Kula Software
2118 Kula St.
Honolulu, HI 96817

Eamons are available online. I recommend these sites:

Here are some more:

Last but far from least, has links to just about every Apple II site that there is.

Eamon Walk-Through List

7 The Devil's Tomb Dec00
19 Death Trap Mar98
62 The Caverns of Doom Mar97
74 DharmaQuest Mar00
77 Temple of the Trolls Mar99
107 The Last Dragon Dec99
114 Thror's Ring Dec96
116 The Iron Prison Dec99
120 Orb of My Life Sep98
126 Pyramid of Anharos Jun98
127 The Hunt for the Ring Dec98
129 Return to Moria Jun99
132 Rhadshur Warrior Jun96
145 Buccaneer! Dec97
147 The Dark Brotherhood Sep96
150 Walled City of Darkness Mar96
161 Operation Endgame Jun97
194 Attack of the Kretons Jun00
206 Curse of the Hellsblade Dec00
220 Catacombs of Terror Sep00
239 Idol of the Incas Sep99
SD137 Redemption Jun00

Here is a list of Eamons that have been considered but not done in this column because they have solutions either in standalone programs, or "online" as you play. This is not a complete list!

165 Animal Farm
166 Storm Breaker
183 The Boy and the Bard
204 Sanctuary
240 Heart of Gold

Always check your Eamons for bonus programs on the disk! Several of the better authors have been known to do this on occasion.

Adventure Reviews

#246 The Sword of Inari

by Matthew Clark

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 7.1
Extra Commands: PAY
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Reviewer Rating: 7.5

Description: In a rather long and complicated introduction you are hired to recover the magical Sword of Inari from an evil kingdom that has aggressive designs on your own country. This is a sneak mission in which you and a companion are inserted by an airship, which drops you off on a very high tower in the enemy stronghold. You are given several magical items to assist you in your Quest.

Comment: This is a very pleasant and relaxing outing. It is primarily puzzle-oriented, but the hints are strong and the puzzles are not overly difficult. Those who love combat will be disappointed, as a successful Quest will show you just a few easy opponents. However, an unsuccessful foray might find you facing as many as 400 at once!

The play is very linear and you will see very few options outside of the correct course. The map is small, just 36 rooms. Matt did a nice job of adding a number of special texts to explain why you would not go in this direction or that, helping to preserve the illusion of a larger space than what you actually see.

One hint: you were given those magical items for a reason, and you will need to use them all to be successful.

Difficulty of (3).