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An emulator is a piece of software that imitates the behavior of one computer system on another, often for the purpose of allowing the user to run programs written for obsolete or unavailable platforms. The original Apple II Eamon adventures require the use of an emulator in order to run on modern machines.
Many emulators are available for different combinations of host machine and guest machine; the list below in incomplete but gives some suggestions and recommendations.
Apple II emulators

- Apple IIjs (scullinsteel.com/apple2), a JavaScript Apple II emulator that runs in the browser.
- AppleWin (applewin.berlios.de), a Windows-based emulator that can read .dsk, .do, .po, .bin, and .nib formats. Most of the screenshots in this wiki were captured using AppleWin.
- Apple in PC (github.com/sosaria7/appleinpc), a Windows-based Apple II emulator by Keonwoo Kim.
- CiderPress (a2ciderpress.com); not exactly an emulator, but a useful Windows utility for reading and managing Apple II disk images.
- Catakig (catakig.sourceforge.net), a Mac-based emulator for Apple II/+/e/c systems.
- Virtual II (virtualii.com), a Mac-based emulator for Apple II, II+ and IIe systems.
- Virtual Apple II (virtualapple.org), a web-based emulator that uses the ActiveGS browser extension.
x86 DOS emulators
- DOSBox (dosbox.com), a multiplatform emulator for classic PC-based DOS applications.
- D-Fend Reloaded (dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net) — DOSBox but with a graphical interface and other helpful features.
Commodore 64 emulators
- VICE (vice-emu.sourceforge.net), "the Versatile Commodore Emulator". Multi-platform, supports all the most popular Commodore file formats.
Amiga emulators
- WinUAE (winuae.net), a Windows emulator for .LHA files.
Atari emulators
- Atari800Win PLus
- Hatari (hatari.tuxfamily.org). Multi-platform, runs .ST files.
External links
- Apple II Emulator Resources Guide from wiki.apple2.org