GEnieLamp A2

GEnieLamp A2 was the monthly newsletter of the GEnie Apple II Roundtable, an early online forum for all things related to the Apple II, and ran for a total of 67 issues from April 1992 to October 1997. The newsletter often included updates and information about Eamon, thanks in part to Eamon Adventurer's Guild president Tom Zuchowski (TomZ) serving as one of GEnie's Apple II software librarians. Newsletter editor Darrel Raines (D.Raines) also contributed pieces about Eamon including a two-part review of the series published in October and December 1992.
A sister publication, GEnieLamp A2Pro, ran for 34 issues from February 1993 to January 1996 and was geared specifically to the Apple II Programmers and Developers Roundtable.
Select issues
The following are GEnieLamp A2 issues that feature articles or other material related to Eamon.
The issue links below do not point the full text of those issues, but instead only to reproductions of the relevant articles.
Issue | Article(s) | Author(s) |
April 1992 | List of recent additions to the GEnie library including Eamon 204, Sanctuary | John Peters |
October 1992 | Part 1 ("Hidden Treasure") of Darrel Raines's review of Eamon | Darrel Raines |
November 1992 | Raines discusses his role as the new editor of GEnieLamp A2 | Darrel Raines |
December 1992 | Part 2 of Darrel Raines's review of Eamon | Darrel Raines |
April 1993 | "Apple II Corner" with a brief update on Eamon IIgs | Darrel Raines |
May 1993 | "Apple II Corner"; brief mention of Eamon IIgs | Darrel Raines |
July 1993 | "A2 Library — Quick Takes", a list of featured files including three Eamon adventures "A2 Categories & Topics", listing subjects within the Eamon category. |
Darrel Raines |
November 1993 | "A2 Pot-pourri" discussion between Raines and Zuchowski about versions of Eamon for the Apple IIgs | Darrel Raines, Tom Zuchowski |
March 1994 | "Through the Grapevine" letter about writing adventures on the IIgs | Eric Shepherd |
July 1994 | "A2 Pot-pourri" discussion between Gagne and Zuchowski about adventure ratings, with a top 20 list | Ken Gagne, Tom Zuchowski |
March 1995 | "The Treasure Hunt" by Charlie Hartley, describing a transcript file of a speech about Eamon by Tom Zuchowski | Charlie Hartley |
May 1995 | "Who's Who?" — Interview with Tom Zuchowski; "The Treasure Hunt" — List of the 20 best Eamon adventures |
Charlie Hartley, Tom Zuchowski |
June 1995 | "The Treasure Hunt", noting Zuchowski's The Best of Eamon as one of the 9 "Very Best of A2" files PAUG's "pick of the crop" for May includes the Eamon Main Program Tour. |
Douglas Cuff, David Kerwood |
November 1995 | PAUG newsletter piece about Eamon and text adventure games; PAUG's list of Eamon software available at GEnie |
Ray Pasold |
December 1995 | "A2 Pot-pourri" discussion about DSK files | Tom Zuchowski, Harold Hislop |
January 1996 | PAUG's more complete list of Eamon software available at GEnie | Douglas Cuff |
March 1996 | January's additions to the GEnie library, including several new Eamon files | Douglas Cuff |
April 1996 | February's additions to the GEnie library, including several new Eamon files | Douglas Cuff |
May 1996 | Brief note about the best place to find Eamon DSK files | Tom Zuchowski |
June 1996 | Announcement of Matt Vigor's Eamon Adventurer's Guild WebSite | Tom Zuchowski |
February 1997 | "A2Pro Bits & Bytes" discussion about a ProDOS memory error reported by Adam Myrow | Tom Zuchowski, Charlie Hartley, Eric Shepherd |
March 1997 | "Hot topics" discussion about sources of mail-order public-domain software | Tom Zuchowski, et al |
August 1997 | Special EAG offer of a free sample issue of the EAG Newsletter | Tom Zuchowski |
September 1997 | "File Bandwagon" list of the top 10 files for July, including Black's The Heart of Gold | Douglas Cuff |
External links