Source:GEnieLamp A2, June 1995

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Two sections excerpted from the June 1995 issue of GEnieLamp A2.


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June 1995


Douglas Cuff, PAUG


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Source:GEnieLamp A2, May 1995

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Source:GEnieLamp A2, November 1995

The Treasure Hunt

Yours For the Downloading

by Douglas Cuff

Welcome back to the Treasure Hunt! This month, regular columnist Charlie Hartley is taking a leave of absence, but he'll be back next month.

I thought we'd take a closer look this month at some of the "Best of A2" disks that A2 RoundTable staff created back in 1991 and 1992. If this column has encouraged you to do any exploring on your own, you'll probably have seen these files, which were designed to fit on a single 800K 3.5" disk. Since the short descriptions don't give you much of an idea exactly what these archives hold, I thought GEnieLamp A2 should provide detailed lists.

Here are the 9 "Very Best of A2" archives:

17180 BEST.A2.ART.BXY 2 Dec 1991 double hi-res pictures
18761 BEST.OF.SHR.BXY 2 Jun 1992 super hi-res pictures
17586 BEST.3200.BXY 1 Feb 1992 3200-color pictures
16957 BEST.ICONS1.BXY 2 Nov 1991 icons
19399 BEST.FONTS.BXY 13 Sep 1992 fonts
17897 BEST.UTILS.BXY 1 Mar 1992 8-bit utilities
17356 BEST.GAMES.BXY 1 Jan 1992 8-bit games
18976 BEST.OF.MS.BXY 31 Jun 1992 Music Studio songs
16728 BEST.EAMONS.BXY 29 Sep 1991 Eamon adventure games

This month, we'll just look at the first three, all of which are archives of pictures.


The A2 Library

The following files are the "pick of the crop" for May, and can be found in the Apple II Roundtable library. A "+" before the number indicates it can be used on an 8 bit Apple.

+24832 GLAMPA29505.BXY GEnieLamp A2, May 1995 (AppleWorks)
24837 JAZGRAPH.BXY Comprehensive graphing package
+24861 A2.APR.ADB.BXY April ADB Update of A2 Library Index
+24863 A2.APR.TXT.BXY April TXT Update of A2 Library Index
24879 MSDOS.TOOLS.BXY MS-DOS Utilities v2.21
+24892 KFEST95.TXT Registration info for KFest '95
+24902 E.MPGM.TOUR.BXY Plain-English desc. of Eamon MAIN PGM
+24904 FRKSPLITPRO.BXY Split GS resource forks under ProDOS 8
24915 KFEST95CNTD.BXY KFest '95 Countdown Twilight II module
24921 BATCHXFER.BXY BatchXfer - Spectrum XCMD
24922 FREEZER.BXY Freezer - Spectrum XCMD
24923 LIBRARY.BXY Library - Spectrum XCMD
+24924 A2.DOM.0595.BXY A2 Disk of the Month, May 1995
+24947 GSPLUSFAQ.BXY Information about GS+ magazine
+24955 A2.MANUAL.BXY Capture of A2 Online Manual (1 big file)
+24956 A2.SML.MANS.BXY A2 Online Man. (split into small files)

Either of the last two files are "must haves" for those of you that are relatively new to GEnie. Even experienced hands may find these useful as well.