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This is a Class B (silver star) article.

Worlds like Eamon and Earth are the setting for nearly all the adventures in the Eamon series. This page lists the named worlds that have appeared in, or have been described or mentioned in, publicly released sources.

Key worlds

The overwhelming majority of adventures in Eamon and SwordThrust take place on four key worlds:

  • Eamon. Approximately 212 adventures are set either largely or wholly on the world of Eamon, which is home to the Guild of Free Adventurers, the Main Hall, and a vast array of characters, monsters, castles, kingdoms, and more.
  • Earth. In more or less fictionalized ways, Earth is the primary setting of about 42 adventures that take place in sites ranging from North American cities to South American ruins to European capitals. Some are also set in Earth's past, its present, or its future.
  • Arda. This is the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien as the setting for his stories of Middle-earth including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and is the setting of 12 adventures in the Eamon corpus written by several different authors.
  • Diurla. Created by Donald Brown, Diurla is Eamon's equivalent in the SwordThrust universe and is the setting for 7 adventures.

Other worlds

Most other worlds appear or are mentioned only within the context of one or two adventures, and some are only identified by the star system in which they're located.

Worlds visited

The following worlds are seen or visited in the course of adventures:

Name Source(s) Description
Altair V FutureQuest II Planet in the Sylos sector, location of Mordir Kang's secret base.
Antares The Final Frontier Nebulean-controlled world with mines that produce corbomite.
Apollonia The Black Phoenix Human colony world in the 58th century, located in the Epsilon Indi system.
Arcturus The Final Frontier Neutral Zone world with a Nebulean outpost.
Bespin The City in the Clouds Gas planet in the Star Wars galaxy, home to the tibanna gas mine known as Cloud City.
Betelgeuse The Heart of Gold
The Final Frontier
Source of dilithium crystals; home of hitchhiker Ford Prefect; site of the imperial palace of the K'lor Zanth Empire. Also known as Krytron.
Canopus The Final Frontier Location of a powerful Nebulean space station.
Deneb Eamon S.A.R.-1
The Final Frontier
Human-inhabited world in the distant future; site of a terrorist kidnapping by the Deneb Liberation Army.
Frogstar World B The Heart of Gold A desolate planet that in the very distant future becomes the site of Milliways restaurant.
Heaven Hammer's Slammers Inhabited world on which two religious factions fight for control of a holy city.
Mars The Sands of Mars
The Star Portal
Home to competing groups of Martians known as the Green Meanies and the Rowdy Reds, and the site of a mysterious portal.
Moon The Alien Intruder Earth's moon, site of American and Russian lunar bases in the near future.
Osiris 5 The Tomb of Razaak Home world of the interstellar Osirian Empire in ages past; now a primitive backwater.
Pokémon World Escape from Mt. Moon The adventure takes place in the Kanto region between Cerulean City and Pewter City.
Rigel The Final Frontier
Nebulean-controlled world with mines that produce bariumite. Also known as Xylanth.
Sirius The Final Frontier World in Narn-controlled space; later part of the Procyon Confederation.
Traal The Heart of Gold Home of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast.
Zagora Rhadshur Warrior Zagora is a parallel world to Eamon: identical in many ways, but "evil, twisted, and deadly."

Worlds mentioned

The following worlds feature in introductory text or are mentioned elsewhere, but are not actually visited during the course of any adventure:

Name Source(s) Description
Aldebaran FutureQuest Location of a human colony wiped out around 3346 by the K'lor Zanth Empire
Alpha Centauri The Black Phoenix Star League member
Altair IV Star Wars - Tempest One Location of a shooting competition advertised in a poster
Barnard's Star The Black Phoenix Star League member
Cygni The Black Phoenix Procyon Confederation member
Epsilon Eridani The Black Phoenix Procyon Confederation member
Groomerbridge 168 The Black Phoenix Star League member
Kruger 60 The Black Phoenix Star League member
Lacaille 9352 The Black Phoenix Neutral Zone system
Lalande 21185 The Black Phoenix Procyon Confederation member
Larsen-C The Black Phoenix Neutral Zone system
Luyten The Black Phoenix Neutral Zone system; once a colony, later rendered uninhabitable
Procyon The Black Phoenix Procyon Confederation member
Shivanda The Black Phoenix Star League member
Tau Ceti The Black Phoenix Procyon Confederation member
Uranus FutureQuest Location of a major space battle in 3891 between Earth and K'lor Zanth forces
Varcar The Black Phoenix Star League member
Xanadon The Black Phoenix Neutral Zone system; once a colony, later rendered uninhabitable

See also