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This is a Class B (silver star) article.

The flora of the planet Eamon is a mix of strange and familiar plants, with some authors describing unusual species in their adventures.

Fantastic species

Name Description Source(s)
Alaxar's Kiss A variety of brightly-colored orchid that grows on Serpent Isle in the Malphigian Sea. Buccaneer!
Athelas Sanctuary
Bow-tie plant A plant bearing brown and red stripes; its main mass resembles a bow-tie extending inches from the ground on a short stalk. The plant is apparently carnivorous, sporting "teeth and teeth and teeth". Museum of Unnatural History
Carnivorous tree Oak trees (and possibly other species) capable of moving and capturing prey. The Caves of Treasure Island
The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek
Fliproot Rare plant with foliage of green and blue; tends to grow around or under rocks with circles of nine leaves. Firestorm
Kingswort A thorny plant used in certain potions; patches of it grow in Tangledoom Forest. Museum of Unnatural History
Lembas Sanctuary
Motoberriberri bush Hedge-like bush with lethal poisonous thorns. Blood Feud
Munchkin cactus A plant described as being "of great rarity and value on Eamon". The Citadel of Blood
Shemlock An herb with healing properties. The Zyphur Riverventure
Vampire rose A rare plant; looks like a large red rose bush but attacks with quick-moving thorny vines. Its flowers turn white when it dies. Dawn of the Warlock
Venus flytrap Unlike its Terrestrial equivalent, the Flytrap is large, aggressive, and capable of killing a person. Cave of the Mind
The Adventurer's General Store
Malleus Maleficarum

Real-world species

Though Eamon is home to some strange and wonderful varieties of plant life, many species are familiar ones that also grow on Earth. Familiar, real-world species mentioned in adventures include common tree species such as oak, maple, and willow; flowers such as roses, tulips, and daisies; crops like wheat, potatoes, yams, taro, and others.