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Dynacomp was a New York-based mail-order retailer of computer software for Apple, Atari, Commodore, TRS-80, PET, and other computer platforms. The company was a distributor throughout the 1980s of Eamon software, with individuals disks priced from $3.75 to $5 and the complete collection at $150.
Eamon collection
Dynacomp's Eamon collection included the 51 disks below based on their 1984 and 1987 catalogs. The adventure numbers follow the club standard, except for the five adventures by Sam, the Eamon Dungeon Designer, and the Eamon Utilities.
Details from an eBay auction in 2022 suggests that the Dynacomp library may have ultimately included at least 102 Eamon adventures.

External links
Eamon adventures on Dynacomp diskettes
Eamon entry in 1984 catalog