Harbor district

The harbor district of the city of Evenhold, also sometimes called the harbor or the docks, is a busy commercial area where sea ships dock and is mentioned in multiple Eamon adventures.
In Furioso by William Davis the adventurer visits the docks to learn about some local smugglers and gets drugged in a nearby tavern. Robert Parker's Shippe of Fooles begins with the adventurer relaxing at the docks and watching sailing ships coming in and out of port before being shanghaied onto the S.S. Darkmist. Sam Ruby's Buccaneer! gives the fullest picture of the docks with the first half of the adventure set entirely in the streets, buildings, and docked ships that surround the harbor.
The harbor district sits at the south or southwest edge of Evenhold next to a bay which connects to the Malphigian Sea through the narrow Ramsgate strait. Access to the district is through a single point, Weyren's Gate on Sea Lane, suggesting the district may be built on an island or peninsula. A long, curved boardwalk connecting various docks and piers lines the southwest side of the district, with berths for at least eight ships and probably more.
The northwestern section of the district is the most affluent and is dominated by the Temple of Weyren which stands just west of the intersection of Sea Lane and Captain's Walk. Nearby are the offices of the Port Authority and the Seamen's Registry as well as several smaller establishments including Arkad Trom's Supplies and a well-kept tavern on the waterfront called The Steerage.

Captain's Walk stretches east from the temple, its south side mostly lined by the walls of warehouses but its north side filled with businesses and private residences: from west to east these include the Mariner's League (an officers club), an upscale tavern called the Crow's Nest, Grennithen's Cartography, the Merchants Federation building, Haggis and Son Undertakers, and finally the district's jail and jailyard at the district's northeast corner. The street also passes the district's clearinghouse, a large central plaza filled with peddlers and merchants' stands, as well as a chandlery.
Anchor Way runs along the eastern side of the district, beginning and the jail and running south behind the rear walls of many more harbor warehouses. Along its east side stands the Charitable Hospital, the Old Sailor's Home, the Oracle of Minden, a marine surplus store, the Sailor's Delight tavern, and a seedy flophouse, and finally ends at a run-down pub called Gobs of Fun. From here a narrow thoroughfare called Scupper's Alley connects west to the waterfront, passing two more disreputable bars known as the Tar Pits and the Leaky Bilge.
The areas closer to the waterfront are given over almost entirely to lines of warehouses where a great range of shipped goods are stored. The largest in the western part of the district belong to the traders Don Rodrigo and Jean LaSalle, and those in the southern section to Vanderhuis, Squire Bolton, and Kerim Bey. An area in the middle near the clearinghouse is occupied by a shipwright and drydock operated by Arno Fals that constructs and repairs sailing vessels.