Eamon Master 2

Eamon Master 2, also called the Expanded Master, is a master created by John Nelson and Jon Heng for Eamon that adds new features and functionality. Nelson announced its release in the August 1984 issue of the club newsletter.
Nelson and Heng's master retains all the functionality of the standard master and adds a number of new features, notably the ability of the player to list, examine, add, edit, move, resurrect, and assassinate (delete) adventurers via a special start-up menu. The menu also gives players the option to test an adventure either with a test adventurer or a regular adventurer without having to enter the Main Hall.
The Main Hall's armorer can handle custom weapons or special-order any weapon the player wants, and also features a training area that can boost an adventurer's weapons expertise.
In addition to being circulated by the NEUC, this master was distributed by the Big Red Apple Club with some minimal adjustments, notably an additional start-up menu. It was also released on Aspen's EU8 disk.
See also
- "Masters, masters everywhere", Eamon Adventurer's Log, August 1985
External links