Super Eamon

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This is a Class B (silver star) article.
The Super Eamon logo
The Super Eamon logo

Super Eamon, occasionally identified as Graphics Eamon or Greamon, is a graphical version of Eamon created in 1985 by Paul Van Bloem and published by Little Green Software. Van Bloem wrote a single adventure for the system, The Haunted House.


Steve Okonski, a friend of Van Bloem's, recalled in 2024 how the game originated: "Paul was inspired to make a graphical Eamon after I showed him Drygulch on the PLATO system circa 1982. Drygulch was more RPG but shared many elements with adventure games." The CRPG Addict published a 2021 article about lost 1970s mainframe games which features some of Okonski's recollections of Drygulch, a western-themed MMO written by Mike Johnson of CDC.

Some Super Eamon materials, including the demo disk label, show a copyright date of 1984, suggesting it was developed in that year. Most of the game's copyrights are dated 1985.


The Main Hall map


The core of the Super Eamon system is a custom master disk that adds graphics and other new features to the Main Hall. It could be used with all Eamon adventures and was marketed as a replacement for the standard master. It was priced at $20.

The Haunted House

Main article: The Haunted House

This adventure by Van Bloem is the only one created specifically for the Super Eamon system and features many custom graphical elements. Its price was $15.

Starter Set

The Super Eamon Starter Set is a package that includes the master and The Haunted House, plus a printed manual titled Ye Guyde to Adventure, described as "a short guide to the Eamon universe". The Starter Set also includes four or five standard, public-domain Eamon adventures. Its price was $37.

Starter Set Adventure Disk #2 includes Assault on the Mole Man by John Nelson on the front and The Deep Canyon by Kenn Blincoe on the back. The contents of Adventure Disk #1 are currently unknown. The set also includes a copy of The Beginners Cave by Donald Brown.


Van Bloem created a stand-alone demo disk for Super Eamon to show off his system's capabilities. The demo starts with animated introduction, then loads an adventurer named "Little Green" who wanders through the graphical Main Hall accompanied by descriptions of various points of interest. In 2024 a friend of Van Bloem's provided a copy of the disk to the Eamon Wiki and it's now available for download.


Super Eamon Manual

Ye Guyde to Adventure


Published materials


(See all Super Eamon screenshots.)

External links