
Connall is a French-language variant of Eamon created for the Apple II in 1987 by developer Philippe Houdry.
Houdry establishes the game's backstory in his introduction:
C'était à l'époque des Anciens Dieux. Les Elfes, les Trolls et les Dragons hantaient quotidiennement les landes et les forêts. Les Magiciens et les Fées luttaient les uns contre les autres pour règner sur les hommes. L'Archemage Iliz étendait alors sa toute puissance sur l'ile de Connall avec cruauté. Il l'avait plongé dans les ténèbres pour punir son roi, Couhoulinn-le-Beau-Cornu.
Celui-ci avait alors réunit ses champions. Nombre d'entre-eux avaient tentés de pourfendre Iliz. Mais aucun n'était jamais revenu d'au-delà du Col. Votre heure venait de sonner...
In English:
It was the time of the Old Gods. Elves, trolls and dragons constantly haunted the moors and forests. Magicians and fairies fought against each other for dominance over mankind. The archmage Iliz cruelly inflicted his power on the island of Connall, plunging it into darkness to punish its king, Couhoulinn of the Handsome Horn.
The king gathered together his champions. Many of them had tried to kill Iliz but none had ever returned from beyond the Pass. Your time has come...
Connall is a simplified version of Eamon that omits the complexity of the Main Hall and supports only a single adventurer at a time. Players starting the game may choose either to resume their progress with an existing character, or to start fresh by creating a new one. The adventurer creation process takes the form of a meeting at the castle of King Couhoulinn with the druid Gabrainn who asks your name and assesses your strengths and aptitudes through a series of questions. He then tells you your rating in the three basic attributes — strength, magic, and luck — and gives you a number of "gold shields", the currency of Connall. One your way out, a knight provides you with a weapon and the quest to defeat Iliz begins.
Creation dialogue |
The dialogue for creating a new adventurer:
In English:
Connall assumes that the game occupies a double-sided diskette, with side 1 as the master and side 2 containing the adventure.
If successful in defeating Iliz, "you forever have the recognition of your liege and that of the people of the island of Connall!"
- Houdry draws on Irish history and mythology for elements of his game, including the name of King Couhoulinn which evokes the legendary Irish warrior Cú Chulainn. The game also mentions the city of Cruachan Ai, which in Ireland is the ancient capital of Connacht, and King Fiacha.
- The name Connall or Conall means "strong wolf" in Gaelic. In Irish mythology the hero Conall Cernach was the foster brother of Cú Chulainn.
External links
- Connall at Underground //e