Commodore 64 Eamon

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This is a Class B (silver star) article.

The Commodore 64 conversion of Eamon is a port of Donald Brown's Eamon system to the Commodore 64 family of computers created by Paul Hollander. Aside from a Main Hall (paired with The Beginners Cave) disk, the additional known disks for the system include The Lair of the Minotaur, The Cave of the Mind, and The Castle of Doom. No further adventures are known to exist for the platform; while no proper Dungeon Designer is available, an "Eamon Editor" exists with a utility to create monsters and artifacts.

Notes on the programs for The Beginners Cave and The Castle of Doom identify their last revisions as 28 November 1986 and 26 October 1987, respectively, suggesting that development of the system occurred during the mid to late 1980s.

Although Hollander's conversion appears to have escaped the attention of the National Eamon User's Club, there were contemporaneous attempts to port Eamon to the Commodore platform. The NEUC described a Commodore 64 Eamon during the period in which Hollander's system was in active development (see e.g. the March 1985 Eamon Adventurer's Log), with Bob Davis leading development with assistance from Kent Sullivan. Although Davis soon abandoned development (see August 1985 Eamon Adventurer's Log), Sullivan's continued work on the port would eventually lead to Imagery!.

The relationship between Imagery! and Hollander's Eamon is unclear; Hollander's evident involvement with the NEUC and Eamon Adventurers' Guild (see e.g. the March 1997 EAG Newsletter) and the fact that both were developed subsequent to the orphaning of Davis's conversion leaves open the possibility that Davis's work was forked into the two distinct systems.

Converted adventures

Title Author
Main Hall / The Beginners Cave Donald Brown
The Lair of the Minotaur Donald Brown
The Cave of the Mind Jim Jacobson, Red Varnum
Castle of Doom Donald Brown

External links