Real places in Eamon
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—The Tower of London
Most Eamon adventures are set on the fictional world of Eamon or in other fantastical realms, but sometimes authors choose real places as their settings, including the following on Earth:
- Transylvania (Count Dracula's Castle by Robert Parker; and Tomb of the Vampire by William Trent and Matthew Grayson)
- Moscow (The Doomsday Clock by Jim Tankard)
- Machu Picchu (Idol of the Incas by Clyde Easterday)
- France, Scotland, and a beach near Dover (Flying Circus by Rick Krebs)
- Vietnam (The Jungles of Vietnam by Jeff Allen)
- Blue Mountains of Australia (Leadlight by Matthew Clark)
- Seattle (Modern Problems by Bonnie Anderson, Tony Barban, and Jay Thompson)
- Mercia (Monty Python and the Holy Grail by Nathan Segerlind; The Quest for the Holy Grail by Evan Hodson)
- London (The Tower of London by Fred Smith and Sandy Smith; Monty Python and the Holy Grail by Nathan Segerlind)
- Belfast (The Ruins of Belfast by David Sparks)
- Chicago (The Sewers of Chicago by Jeff Allen)
- Paris (Tenement of the Damned by J. M. Menassanch)
- Fort Scott, Kansas and southern California (A Trip to Fort Scott by William Trent)
- A high school in Des Moines, Iowa (The School of Death by Kurt Townsend)
- A high school somewhere in the US (The High School of Horrors by Michael Haney and Aaron Hunt)
- A middle school in Portland, Michigan (The Computer Club of Fear by Nathan Segerlind)
- An elementary school in River Falls, Wisconsin (Peg's Place by Margaret Anderson and Anne Anderson)
- A shopping mall (The Shopping Mall by Allan Porter)
- Various European locations (A Vacation in Europe by David Smith)
A couple of adventures take place on other real astronomical bodies:
Some others take place on fictional worlds set within the real Milky Way Galaxy.