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This is a Class A (gold star) article.

Trollsfire (also shown as TrollsFire) is a magical weapon that first appears in The Beginners Cave by Donald Brown and is one of the best known artifacts in Eamon. Brown describes it as a beautiful sword with its name carved in intricate detail on the hilt. In his addendum to the revised Eamon Player's Manual, Tom Zuchowski calls Trollsfire "an excellent weapon".


  • The sword first appears as the weapon wielded by the pirate who waits in the small cove at the end of The Beginners Cave. When engaged in the combat, the pirate speaks a word to the sword that causes a bright green flame to appear around the blade, and when defeated drops it and the flame dies. The adventurer learns that speaking the sword's name causes the flame to appear or disappear. Trollsfire deals 1d10 damage and has a base value of 100 gold.
  • It's included in identical fashion in John Nelson's Enhanced Beginners Cave.
  • In The Abductor's Quarters, the rogue Free Adventurer known as the Abductor wields a modified Trollsfire, which author Jim Jacobson describes as being rather old but sharpened into a fine weapon. This version of Trollsfire deals 2d6 damage. According to Jacobson the Trollsfire is "that magical sword that all Free Adventurers end up with when they clear the Beginners Cave."
  • SwordQuest by Roger Pender features a Trollsfire sword dealing 1d12 damage wielded by Sir Percivale.
  • In Bookworm 3-D by Robert Parker the adventurer may find a crate full of hundreds of Trollsfires, the value of which Parker describes as "astronomical". A pirate like the one in The Beginners Cave appears in the adventure wielding one with similar characteristics as the original. Parker observes that Trollsfire was "the first magical weapon you ever encountered" and notes that "it's been a long time since you've owned one."
  • Merlin's Castle by Randall Hersom features a Trollsfire being inexplicably wielded by a white swan.
  • The Caves of Eamon Bluff by Tim Berge features a 2d8 Trollsfire as the weapon carried by Marshal Brody.
  • House on Eamon Ridge by Tim Berge includes a 1d8 version of the sword called "Brody's Folly". Carried by a hobbit fighter, the sword has the initials "M.B." carved on its handle and cannot produce flame.
  • Castle Mantru by Steve Costanzo includes a 2d5 Trollsfire carried (appropriately) by a troll.
  • Two of the guards in Tomb of the Vampire by Matthew Grayson and William Trent carry Trollsfires.
  • In A Runcible Cargo by Thomas Ferguson the adventurer can explore Sam Slicker's warehouse and find a box marked "TrollsFires Lot B". Ferguson writes, "a lot of folks seem to have sold their TrollsFires over the years. You'd open it, but do you really need another TrollsFire?"

In The Shrunken Adventurer by Adam Myrow, the professor and famous inventor Eric Johnson is said to be Trollsfire's creator. Speaking to the adventurer, his wife Melinda says, "Look at his other inventions! The healing potions, the Trollsfire, he's always helped adventurers..." The sword is also mentioned in The Last Dragon along with other legendary weapons.

A tavern called "The Trollsfire Pub" features in The Treachery of Zorag by Derek Jeter and is located in Behlos City.