
Phases are broad developmental stages in the growth of the Eamon Wiki. The phases aren't meant to be rigid or very well-defined, but instead just set some general targets for the project. The wiki is currently in Phase 5.
Phase One: Setup
The website, Mediawiki software, and other supporting software are installed and configured.
Completed August 2017
Phase Two: Infrastructuring
Most of the infrastructure necessary to support the creation of articles exists, particularly category trees and templates.
Completed September 2017
Phase Three: Stubbing
Placeholder ("stub") articles exist for most key topics, including adventures, people, publications, and game concepts.
Completed September 2017
Phase Four: Expansion
Most key articles are expanded to include at least some useful content, though are not necessarily complete.
Completed December 2023
Phase Five: Refinement
All topics have fleshed-out, well-structured articles.
In progress
Phase Six: Maintenance
Long-term maintenance of fleshed-out wiki, with updates as needed.