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This is a Class A (gold star) article.

Kobold are a race of small reptilian humanoids that inhabit the planet of Eamon and feature in various Eamon adventures.


Adventure Description
The Temple of Ngurct Frightened solitary kobold.
The Caves of Eamon Bluff Several kobolds and their leader occupy the caves.
The Mountain Fortress Two kobolds, one large, one small.
The Infested Fortress Scrawny kobold guard.
The Dark Brotherhood Held prisoner are "nearly a score of orcs, kobolds, and gnolls."
The Lair of Mr. Ed Kobold guards and their crown-wearing king.
The Training Ground Half a dozen armed kobolds.
The Lost Isle The servants' quarters include "books full of colorful drawings, the majority written in the kobold language."
Keep of Skull Gorge Small, axe-wielding kobolds.
The Domain of Zenoqq
Cliffs of Fire Green-blooded "evil-looking" kobold.
Redemption More than 20 kobolds in an abandoned mine in the New Kingdom.
The Curse of Talon Dozens of kobolds occupy the mines.
Edgar's Adventures Kobold inhabit ancient ruins across the Great Sea.
Malleus Maleficarum Pair of scrawny kobolds around a campfire near the entrance.

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