Jeff Bianco

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Jeff Bianco
Full name Jeffrey L. Bianco
Notability AdventureDisk publisher
Location Washington
Occupation Software development

Jeff Bianco is the creator and publisher of AdventureDisk, an early 1980s newsletter dedicated to adventure and role-playing games for the Apple II, including Eamon. Each issue included a free Eamon adventure and would be accompanied by maps or tips for solving games. Bianco included Donald Brown's The Death Star in his three-diskette compilation of the best public domain adventure games.


In correspondence in 2014, Bianco recalled discovering the Eamon adventure game series around 1982 when he was about 14 years old. As a budding entrepreneur looking for a way to earn some spending money, Bianco hit on the idea of collecting, organizing, and distributing Eamon adventures by mail-order, and when this proved successful he launched his AdventureDisk publication which ran for 10 to 15 issues. In 1986 Bianco changed gears and started the Print Shop Users Club which centered around sharing public domain clip art for use in Broderbund's Print Shop software; the club grew to over 30,000 members and evolved to include original licensed art and other related products for Instant Artist (later Print Artist) software. This led Bianco to form GraphicCorp which produced software for organizing and managing clipart collections and sold licensed clipart from hundreds of artists for use in products by Microsoft, Sierra, Broderbund, Corel, and others. In 1999 Bianco sold GraphicCorp to Corel and has since founded or led a number of other technology and software development companies.

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