Mike Phillips

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This is a Class B (silver star) article.
Mike Phillips
Full name Mike Phillips

Mike Phillips is an individual identified in several Eamon adventures by Tim Berge as a potential or upcoming adventure author, with various signs marking the entrances to "future adventures" by Phillips. Whether he created any adventures is unclear, but none are currently known.


Title Released Description
Behind the Sealed Door May 1984 You are standing upon a small platform with a sign near it that says: "Future adventure Mike Phillips Inc."
The Caves of Eamon Bluff May 1984 You in a small room with construction going on on the wall to your north. To the south is the beginnings of a bridge stretching between here and a distant isle. (A sign nearby says, "Future adventure Mike Philipps Inc.")
The Land of Death May 1984 You are standing in the entrance way to the Emerald City. The door in front of you is sealed shut and at its side you see a sign, "Future adventure Mike Phillips Inc."
House on Eamon Ridge August 1984 You are in a room with a huge sign on the south wall. It reads: "Future adventure, Mike Phillips Inc." (In other words — go back — no entry!)