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The EAG template creates a link to the Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online website, or to a specific part of the site. It's intended mainly for use in the "External links" section of articles.


The template has two parameters. The first is the section of the EAG Online website that the link should point to. The template recognizes the following:

Parameter value Resulting link
Home https://www.eamonag.org/
About https://eamonag.org/pages/about/
Articles https://www.eamonag.org/pages/eamon_articles/
Beyond https://www.eamonag.org/pages/beyond_eamon/
Blog https://eamon-guild.blogspot.com/
Deluxe https://www.eamonag.org/pages/platforms/eamondx/
Forum https://eamonag.org/pages/forum/
Images https://www.eamonag.org/pages/image_gallery/
List https://www.eamonag.org/lists/master/
Manuals https://eamonag.org/pages/eamon_manuals/
Maps https://www.eamonag.org/pages/map_gallery/
Museum https://www.eamonag.org/pages/museum/
Newsletters https://www.eamonag.org/newsletters/
Platforms https://www.eamonag.org/pages/platforms/
Play https://eamonag.org/pages/Play_today/
Resources https://www.eamonag.org/pages/resources/
Reviews https://www.eamonag.org/pages/reviews/
Walkthroughs https://www.eamonag.org/newsletters/columns/walkthrough/

If no parameter is given, the link points to the EAG main page. The second parameter is optional and contains the text string for the link; if empty, it will be the name of the section.


The one exception to the above is when Adventure is the first parameter: in this case the template treats the second parameter as an adventure number, and the third as the text string for the link (which points to the Eamon on Javascript emulator). Examples: